Advocate Stephanie Ortoleva Named a Leader of the 21st Century
May 2, 2016
Report Launched on the Status of Funding for Indigenous Women’s Groups
October 20, 2016The Denmark-based LIVIA Foundation granted Channel grantee partner the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) one of its three Awards in 2016.
The award was gratefully received by GNWP Founder and CEO Mavic Cabrera Balleza. In describing the award winners, the LIVIA Foundation wrote that, “GNWP promotes something very important to the prevention of violent escalation and to peacebuilding, namely women’s participation in peace negotiations and peacebuilding. Only when women’s voices and perspectives are heard, a peace agreement can lead to genuine co-existence and reconciliation. Therefore the UNSCR resolution 1325 is of immense importance, but only if it is implemented. Here GNWP is doing a very efficient work at the UN, and especially with the focus at national and local levels, translating international policies of women, peace and security into positive, realistic actions in the local communities, where people who have suffered in wars are hoping for a secure and dignified future. GNWP’s contributions I Colombia and South Sudan are strongly appreciated.”