WLW’s Historic Win In Colombia
December 27, 2019
Communications Revolution in Human Rights
December 27, 2019On September 25th, 2019, abortion was decriminalized in the state of Oaxaca. Channel grantee partner, Consorcio Oaxaca, played a key role in the process. On September 25th, 2019, abortion was decriminalized in the state of Oaxaca following an intense period of campaigning. Channel grantee partner, Consorcio Oaxaca, played a key role in the process by working at the forefront of the pro-choice movement alongside other feminist women’s organizations, establishing alliances with women senators, and much more.
Oaxaca is the second state in the country to make this step in favor of the health and rights of women, twelve years after Mexico City. At this juncture, Consorcio is focused on following this success with action to ensure that public services will provide women seeking an abortion with quality medical attention.
Alongside Consorcio, other Channel grantee partners have worked and reflected upon this success. RESURJ reflected upon this success in their piece, “Abortion in Oaxaca: A transforming state in Mexico.” Global Fund for Women listed the decriminalization in Oaxaca as one of the “10 Major Gains for Gender Justice in 2019.”
The Guardian wrote, “[l]awmakers voted 24-10 on Wednesday to scrap restrictions on abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, despite vocal opposition from the Catholic church. Opponents – including priests and the religious – screamed “killers!” at the lawmakers as the vote occurred, while women in the green handkerchiefs of the pro-choice movement chanted, ‘Yes we can!'”