FRIDA Reflects in “What the Water Brings” Report

November 17, 2021
Posted in Reports
November 17, 2021 Katrin Wilde

In late 2021, Channel partner FRIDA, Young Feminist Fund published a holistic reflection on their work in climate and environmental justice over the past three years in a report, “What the Water Brings.” The report is based on a participatory reflection process that involved conversations with FRIDA staff, grantee partners, and donors who specifically support environmental justice work.  

“What the Water Brings” includes five sections: 

  • FRIDA’s vision of how feminist youth activism takes up the struggle to move towards an ecologically just future while advancing gender rights
  • Highlights of FRIDA’s Climate and Environmental Justice work
  • Challenges and lessons that FRIDA identified while doing this work
  • Reflection on FRIDA’s role in the philanthropic ecosystem as an activist fund
  • FRIDA’s recommendations for social justice donors interested in delving deeper into the nuances of funding intersectional climate and environmental justice work

To learn more, read the full report or check out these reflections on FRIDA’s website.  

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