WLP’s Partner in Morocco Fights for Women’s Equal Land Rights
April 22, 2022
GP’s Duty of Care Program Wins World Changing Ideas Award
May 3, 2022On April 26, 2022, Peace Direct published a report, “Race, Power, and Peacebuilding” in collaboration with Channel grantee partner the International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) as well as the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), and United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY). This report builds on the findings of the 2020 report “Time to Decolonize Aid,” (which Channel partner Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS) contributed to) and which established the extent of racism across the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding sectors.
“Race, Power, and Peacebuilding” draws on insights from a 2021 global consultation of over 160 people from 70 countries to explore and understand how racism manifests itself across the sector. By analyzing current peacebuilding approaches through the perspective of decolonization, the report aims to encourage the peacebuilding sector to embrace the decolonizing agenda and address unequal global-local power dynamics.