Mina’s List Urged Passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act
September 23, 2022
4W Initiative Honors Two Women with UNESCO Chair Award
October 15, 2022In light of the ongoing humanitarian and human rights crises Afghan women face, the Women’s Regional Network (WRN) recently convened The Afghan/Canadian Women’s Symposium: Building a Better Future Together, Sept. 26 and 27, 2022, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The purpose of the convening was to “analyze and bring light to the reality on the ground for women in Afghanistan, highlighting the needs of Afghan women both inside and outside of Afghanistan, and presenting the Government of Canada with a series of calls to action.” WRN, a network of women civil society leaders, has worked since 2010 to advance women’s rights and regional peace in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, and is a longtime Channel grantee partner. The Calls to Action developed by Afghan women in Canada, in consultation with women across the globe, can be seen as “a roadmap for the Government of Canada and its allies. They highlight the most pressing needs and priorities of Afghan women both inside and outside of Afghanistan and identify policy responses which Canada can pursue to ensure their Afghanistan response aligns with their Feminist Foreign Policy and Feminist International Assistance Policy.”