AIL Announces New Educational Project
August 18, 2023
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September 11, 2023On September 4, 2023, VidaAfrolatina, a Channel grantee partner, began announcing the members of their second cohort of grantees through a week-long social media campaign. The new cohort consists of 17 organizations “doing transformative work to cultivate the healing of Black women and girls in Latin America” and end sexual violence in their communities.
The week-long campaign consisted of daily posts announcing each new batch of grantees and provided images statements depicting each organization’s mission. The grantees, which can be viewed on VidaAfrolatina’s website, include organizations from Brazil, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama.
The organizations from Brazil include Rede de Mulheres Negras Rio de Janiero & Coletivo Rosalia Lemos MG, Coletivo de Mulheres Negras Abayomi, Centro Nacional de Africanidade e Resistência Afro Brasileira – Cenarab, Coletivo Angela Davis, Rede de Mulheres Negras de Bahia, N’Zinga, N’Zinga Coletivo de Mulheres Negras de Belo Horizonte, Coletiva Teia Anansi, Coletiva Teia Anansi, and Revista Afirmativa.
From Colombia, the organizations include Asociación de Mujeres Afrocolombianas – Amafrocol, El Chontaduro, Asociación Casa Cultural el Chontaduro, Afroyoga, Asociación Lila Mujer, La Comadre de Afrodes, and Red Mariposas de Alas Nuevas. The remaining organizations include Colectivo Ilé, Afropoderosas, and Voces de Mujeres Afrodescendientes en Panamá – Vomap.”
VidaAfrolatina concluded the campaign by congratulating all 17 organizations and stating how honored they are to partner with organizations “prioritizing racial and gender justice, healing and systemic change.”
Photos of new grantees, courtesy of VidaAfrolatina.