Report Released on Supporting Women Environmental Defenders
October 24, 2023
Feminist Activists Take on COP28
November 28, 2023FRIDA The Young Feminist Fund, a long-time Channel grantee partner, announced their newest cohort of grantee partners on November 6, 2023. This new cohort consists of 98 grantee partners from 57 countries and 6 regions. The “Taking Flight” Zine, produced by FRIDA, highlights these new grantee partners and their work.
The zine illustrates “the vibrance, vision, and irrepressible dreams of the activists who are organizing to dismantle systems of oppression around the world.” It includes “love notes” from the grantees to FRIDA expressing their joy and excitement for their work. Additionally, it emphasizes that an increasing number of grantees are focusing on gender, sexual, and climate justice with 43 grantees working on LGBTQIA+ rights, 11 on abortion rights, and 13 on environmental justice.
Members of this cohort include SeaSisters Sri Lanka, Erkin Kyz Koomu, Hapsa Khan Daughters, Our Rights Movement, Butterfly Trans Barbados, and Coletivo De Jovens Mulheres Pataxó Sarã Pataxó. Each of these organizations represent one of the six regions, Latin America, the Caribbean, South, Southeast, East Asia, and the Pacific (SSEAP), South, West Asia, and North Africa (SWANA), West, East, Southern and Central Africa (WESCA) and Central Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central and North Africa (CEECCNA).
- SeaSisters Sri Lanka is an organization focused on connecting Sri Lankan women and girls with the ocean as “a tool for promoting women’s empowerment and mental health” and exchanging knowledge on sustainability and gender stereotypes.
- Erkin Kyz Koomu, based in Kyrgyzstan, focuses on creating a safe space for girls and emphasizes girls rights through STEAM projects.
- Hapsa Khan Daughters, based in Iraq, consists of two young women who seek to provide equal access to education to illiterate women and girls in workplaces.
- Our Rights Movement, based in Burundi, seeks to the “restoration of women’s rights where equality between men and women will be observed at the local, provincial and national level.”
- Butterfly Trans Barbados is a Trans led and focused organization working towards gender identity recognition and at the intersection between women’s rights and disability rights.
- Coletivo De Jovens Mulheres Pataxó Sarã Pataxó, based in Brazil, is a collective of young women from the Pataxó Indigenous People of Bahia and Minas Gerais working on indigenous rights and environmental justice.