Mina’s List Urged Passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act 

September 23, 2022
Posted in Action
September 23, 2022 Katrin Wilde

Channel grantee partner Mina’s List has posted a call with information about the Afghan Adjustment Act, a bipartisan bill that, if passed by Congress, would create a path to permanent legal status for Afghans evacuated to the United States. Mina’s List Executive Director Teresa Casale added that the legislation also has the potential to be life-changing for the tens of thousands of Afghans – including many women leaders, activists, and human rights defenders (HRDs) – who are currently stuck in third countries but are eligible to come to the United States. Casale urged supporters to contact their congressional representatives. The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (GIWPS) also advocated for passage of this bill. GIWPS’s Onward for Afghan Women team and several of their Afghan partners joined U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar outside the Capitol to discuss why this legislation matters to them. 

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