On April 20, 2023, the International Founders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP), a Channel grantee partner, held a launch event at the Ford Foundation for their upcoming report, “Global Funding Trend Analysis on Indigenous Peoples Philanthropy.” The report, developed by IFIP and Archipel Research and Consulting, is a “global analysis of the state of funding to Indigenous Peoples between 2016 and 2019.” The report found that only 0.6% of funding went directly to Indigenous Peoples organizations.
At the launch, IFIP shared their 20 Recommendations for Future Actions, Funding Trend Analysis on Indigenous Peoples Philanthropy. These recommendations serve as a tool for funders that are committed to centering Indigenous rights and leadership and addressing barriers to funding Indigenous Peoples. The recommendations follow the 5Rs of Indigenous Philanthropy: respect, relationships, responsibility, reciprocity, and redistribution. These recommendations include honoring Indigenous worldviews and participation, favoring long-term funding, implementing Indigenous data standards, consider colonial roots of philanthropy, and rethinking philanthropy as restitution.