Report Released on Marginalized and Displaced Women

December 7, 2023
Posted in Reports
December 7, 2023 Katrin Wilde

Women’s Regional Network (WRN), a longtime Channel grantee partner, has released three new reports. For over the past decade, WRN has been conducting “feminist qualitative participatory research” called “Community Conversations”. This research focuses on marginalized women in conflict zones, particularly in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. The three reports document the voices of marginalized women, minorities, and human rights defenders in each of these countries.

“Suffering Unveiled: Afghan Women’s Struggles Under the Taliban” explores the impact of living in Afghanistan on women. The report provides background and context on the current situation in Afghanistan, explores demographics in Afghanistan including gender, ethnicity, and religion, and provides data on violence and gender discrimination present in the country. The report also touches on the topics of mental health, humanitarian aid, and insecurity. The report ends with recommendations and an emphasis on the role of the United Nations and the international community to change the current situation.

“In the Shadow of the Taliban: Community Conversations with Afghan Refugee Women in Pakistan” explores Afghans displaced in Pakistan and provides context for the situation in Pakistan. The report focuses on displacement, corruption, and militarization in Pakistan as well as violence against women. The report ends with demands and recommendations for the future, including demands from the Pakistani government, to support Afghan refugees, and the international community to support ending gender apartheid.

Lastly, “Women Seeking Security, Asserting Agency: India Afghan Refugee Community Conversations” utilizes the human rights framework to advocate for protecting Afghan refugees. The report, through surveys and analysis, explores the livelihoods of Afghans in India and explores the differences between pre and post Taliban rule. The report focuses on Afghan minorities, including Afghan Christians, Sikhs, and Hindus. The report ends with a discussion about why India is a transit country for Afghan refugees.

All three reports include case studies and personal statements from Afghan women discussing their experiences with gender-based violence, displacement, and militarization among other topics. Women’s Regional Network launched the three “Community Conversations” reports on December 7, 2023 at the House of Lords, UK Parliament. The event included speakers such as Patricia Cooper, founder of WRN, Maryam Rahmani, Advisor at WomanKind, and Baroness Fiona Hodgson, Member of the House of Lords, UK Parliament.

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